
LiquidCert is the only platform that certifies the history of your documents, your data flows and in general each state that can be represented by a file.

Whenever a new version of the document is available a hash is registered in a document chain. An external auditor can follow the document chain in order to obtain the list of document versions.


Use cases

Performance certification

A portfolio manager needs to have portfolio performance certified from third-party.

Through LiquidCert a portfolio manager can create an account statement of his own realtime operations with:

  • Open position
  • Closed position
  • Balance
  • Equity
  • Performance chart
  • Risk chart

Every N minutes portfolio manager can create the hash (SHA256) of this document, add your signature (the ownership proof), add the timestamp (to certify the generation time through Opentimestamps service), add more information (metadata ex. { "Username":" ID" , "File":"Public URL"} ) and send this package to LiquidCert.

LiquidCert will take care of publishing and concatenating every single transmission of the portfolio manager package in order to create and certify a unique chain of transmissions.

Through Liquidcert web pages anyone will be able to verify all the unique transmissions (hash) and generate a pdf report as proof of the verification of the transmission sequence.

Internet of things messages certification

In IoT solutions you have some smart sensors able to communicate in internet, share data and retrieve actions from some controlling platfoms.

In many scenarios is important to assure that the communication contains:

  • the right sequence of messages,
  • the correct number of messages in a time frame,
  • the correct content of eah message to avoid manipulation,
  • a strong signature.

We have a firmware for an ESP32 board able to share messages with our platform. This open source demostration software will shows the following steps:

  • create a message using internal sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, battery status, random value, ...)
  • add the hash of the previous message,
  • calculate the hash of the new message generated,
  • sign the hash with out pubkey,
  • create a Opentimestamps proof for the message hash,
  • create a JSON with all this information and send it to our platform.


Blockstream Liquid sidechain

LiquidCert create the document chain using the Blockstream Liquid sidechain, we chosen Liquid instead of others blockchain because:

  • Liquid has faster transactions (1 block every minute),
  • Liquid has lower fees,
  • Liquid doesn't create another financial asset but use Bitcoin pegged in a multisig address to release Liquid Bitcoin.


All messages are timestamped in the Bitcoin blockchain using the Opentimestamps protocol, if a message doesn't contain an Opentimestamps proof out server will generate it on the fly and store in out database.